Only Serving the Funeral Home Community
As a trade service not affiliated with any funeral establishment, our services are designed to support funeral service professionals—not to compete with them. Although we are a fully licensed funeral establishment, it is our policy not to contract directly with the public. Our purpose is to act as an agent on behalf of other funeral homes, maintaining at all times the interests of that funeral home and the families they serve.

Commonwealth Funeral Service is a professional service used by: funeral homes, death care professionals, emergency first responders, Medical Examiners, and medical institutions to aid in the first call, storage, preparation, cremation or final disposition of deceased bodies.
Integrity & Excellence
Our mission is to combine integrity with excellence in every action and decision. Integrity is indispensable to our mission. We exist to exceed our clients’ expectations by adhering to the highest standards of professional, moral and ethical values.
Service Excellence is equally significant to our mission."To perform consistently and deliver value-added services to our firms and their families with the highest level of dignity and quality.”
We believe that these are critical elements for maintaining life-long, valuable relationships with our customers.
5404 Glen Alden Dr. Richmond, VA 23231 TEL. 804-416-5054
Mon-Sun: Open 24 Hours